3 min readJan 16, 2023

The Instagram algorithm tends to give people a huge headache, as it gets more and more strict and creator-unfriendly in the sense that it is limiting the organic reach for basically every user that’s trying to spread their content to a wider audience.


That said, in this article, I talk about 6 essential elements that you should perfect and really take in consideration, as they are key towards your page’s better overall performance in the eyes of the algorithm.


There elements are:


1- Using White hat strategies;

Apply strategies that are healthy towards your page’s performance and that do not compromise its health score or even its existence.


White hat strategies consist in strategies that go along Instagram’s Terms Of Use and disregard any type of excessive automation; fake engagement or follower-gain; the use of any third party software or tools to run or have a direct influence in your page’s activity, etc.


By obeying to the rules, in this sense, your page has only to benefit from it, as a slower yet consistent growth is a million times better than a fake and worthless growth that is not worthwhile.




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