How Hate Culture Is Growing in The World

Oct 4, 2022


We live in a time… Where it’s ok to judge, ridicule, and tell other people how to react/handle things that aren’t being personally experienced by the person judging…

I’ve seen more white people judge black people, skinny judge overweight, minimum wage employees judge entrepreneurs, Christians judge Muslims, regular people judge celebrities, civilians judge military, those with rich parents judge the less privileged… (and vice versa)…. and feel because they get a bunch of likes from the same ignorant thinking people that fit their demographic…. That they have a VALID ARGUMENT…


If you have NEVER EXPERIENCED what/who you’re pointing a finger at… Your voice is flawed… People should never have to defend themselves to people who could never understand. WAKE UP…. share that energy to empower your own by what you’ve overcome… Not downplay someone else’s struggle.




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